Sunday, October 20, 2013

Obamacare protected by the news media

Obamacare protected by the news media

Once again and as usual the America news media is in full protection mode for President Obama and them thar Democrats (Demicrats).  Recently in The Dallas Morning News appeared a commentary and editorial in support of Obamacare (“Affordable Care Act”).

The editorial basically advised the readers to give Obamacare / Affordable Care Act a “chance.”  Really?  How about the Obama administration giving the healthcare act a chance?  It was the Obama regime who gave corporations a year deferment.  How come they are not giving Obamacare a chance?  The Congressional staffers, members of the House and Senate will have seventy-five percent of the cost paid for by the government.  How come they are not giving Obamacare a chance?

The commentary claimed Obamacare will not take jobs away.  How come left out of the article was the reduction in hours from 40 to 29 for many workers?           

Dallas Morning News editorial “Give Health Care Act a Chance:”
The commentary “Obamacare isn’t going to take away your job:”

Link to their live streaming:

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