Sea Shepherd’s pot calling the kettle black
Recently the criminal cult leader of Sea Shepherd, his
Excellency “Pope Paul the Watson” released another rant on his Facelessbook (Facebook)
page (see link below). The criminal
Watson is upset Japan has decided to resume their whaling in the Southern
Ocean. Japan has invalided the
International Court of Justice’s ruling banning whaling in the Southern Ocean
as the ruling had no bases in law.
Watson wrote the following in part: “Japan is a renegade,
outlaw, pirate whaling nation.”
Huh? An excellent example of the
pot calling the kettle black. How can an
outlaw like Watson who is wanted on three continents call Japan “outlaw” or “renegade?” Watson claimed Japan is a “pirate whaling
nation,” once again the pot calling the kettle black. It was a U.S. Federal Court that labeled Sea
Shepherd as “pirates.”

In the past the criminal using a fake law-enforcement badge
sailed into the Southern Ocean pretending to be an officer of the law. When will Watson announce he will be going to
the Southern Ocean this year to stop the Japanese whaling fleet? Remember the main reason people donate money
to Sea Shepherd is for them to maintain a fleet of vessels to protect the whales. So where is this protection?
Can an announcement be forthcoming from the floating circus
concerning a Southern Ocean operation?
Or are they in fear of the possibility of some type of military / police
/ coast guard escort for the Japanese whaling fleet? Sea Shepherd in the past has boasted they
were willing to surrender their freedoms to save Watson’s clients the whales. Where is that bravado this whaling season?
Below is a link Sea Shepherd minions / suckers to continue
to donate to Sea Shepherd. Such
donations lead to providing material for these videos. The donated money will also hopefully go towards
awarding Mr. Ady Gil monetary judgements concerning pending lawsuits.
Watson’s Facelessbook ranting:
The criminal Watson WANTED by Interpol:
Link to Sea Shepherd’s website to donate money:
Link to Texas Daddy store:
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