Hate Japan from Sea Shepherd
Sea Shepherd’s continued attacks upon the Japanese whalers,
and dolphin activity is based on:
1 – Money: to get
their minions to part with their money2 – Hate: pure hate for Japan and the Japanese people.
Many of Sea Shepherd supporters / minions / suckers deny
their support for Sea Shepherd is anchored in hate for Japan / the
Japanese. They masquerade their feelings
behind their compassion for dolphins and whales. They claim they do not hate Japan, just hate
the dolphin and whaling activity.
Recently the fugitive Paul Watson left a posting on Sea
Shepherd’s website (see link below) which can only be interpreted as he and his
cult groups pure hate for Japan.
The Senkaku Islands belong to Japan. Around 1969 it was determined there were oil
and gas deposits around these uninhabited islands. A year or two later commie China announces those
islands belong to China, not Japan. The
Senkaku Islands (called Diaoyu Islands in commie China, and Tiaoyutai Islands
in Taiwan) issue is an emotional one in both China and Japan.

The fugitive Watson states the islands belong to China and
offered to send one of his rust-bucket garbage scows to monitor any dolphin or
whaling activity in and around the Senkaku Islands by Japan. There is no such activity by Japan in or near
these islands. The fugitive Watson
supports commie China in their dispute with Japan. He supports an oppressive commie regime with
their dispute against a democratic republic, an ally to the USA.
This can only be his expression of hate for all of Japan and
the Japanese people because this issue has absolutely nothing to do with
whaling or the dolphins, just hate. This
fugitive is supporting the commies who are suppressing the Tibetans and their Buddhist
religion in Tibet, and the suppression of the Muslim religion followed by the Uyghur’s
in East Turkistan (Xinjiang). By
extension his support for the commies is also his support for suppressing the
Tibetans and Uyghur’s.

Paul Watson offering to assists the commies in China:
Link to Texas Daddy store:
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