Benghazi murders we demand answers
Four Americans murdered September 11, 2012 at the American Consulate
in Benghazi, Libya. The American news
media involved with the Obama administration is actively involved in a cover up
and a diversion.

The American public needs to have “why” and “who” answered.
Why was military and CIA assistance refused during the 7 ½ hour
attack upon the Consulate while it was being watched live in The White House
Situation Room from an American drone above Benghazi?
Who gave the order not to provide assistance?
Why are the Republicans in the House of Representatives
allowing the news media and the Obama administration get away with this
The four Americans murdered in Benghazi, Libya on September
11, 2012:
Chris Stevens, 52, United States Ambassador
Sean Smith, 34, former U.S. Air Force
Glen Doherty, 42, former U.S. Navy Seal
Tyrone Woods, 41, former U.S. Navy Seal
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