Why does Sea Shepherd allow the dolphin activity in Taiji,
Sea Shepherd has a sub-group the Cove Guardians in Taiji,
Japan. Their mission is to record and
broadcast to the world what they claim are the horrors of dolphin activity in
Taiji. They live-stream what takes place
in Taiji:
There you can view the Cove Guardians behaving with a smug,
self-righteous attitude alluding to they are superior to the people of
Japan. The narrator on the live-stream
can be heard bemoaning synthetic sympathy for the plight of the dolphins.
The Cove Guardians also post photographs on their Facebook
On their Facebook page you can read the pretend pain and
suffering these foreigners experience while documenting for the world the dolphin
activity in Taiji, Japan. Their posted
descriptions of these photographs are followed by comments of pain and torment,
sprinkled with pure hate by their memorized supporters.

“Professional Animal
Communicator and Psychic Medium, able to bridge the gap of communications
between Humans and Animals and the Living and Deceased.”
Melissa the animal communicators Facebook page:
By Melissa’s own words she has the ability to communicate
with the dolphins.

1 – Then how come Melissa does not communicate with the
dolphins to swim away from Taiji?
2 – When the dolphins are captured and held behind nets, how
come Melissa does not communicate with the dolphins to jump over the nets and
swim to freedom?
Perhaps Sea Shepherd needs the dolphin activity to take
place in Taiji to maintain a valuable source of income to Sea Shepherd through
the donations from emotional wrecks around the world. Melissa’s silence in not communicating with
the dolphins can only be interpreted as her desire to maintain this activity
that she, Sea Shepherd, and their supports claim is barbaric.
The question you should be asking is: Who is committing the true barbaric activity in
1 – The fishermen of Taiji for capturing the dolphins?2 – Melissa for not communicating freedom to the dolphins?
Link to Texas Daddy store:
Video dedicated to Melissa the animal communicator:
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