Thursday, March 20, 2014

The smugness of Sea Shepherd types

The smugness of Sea Shepherd types

The animal rights, save-the-dolphin, anti-whalers, Sea Shepherd, their supporters, and their types are all riddled with self-righteous smugness.  Need proof?

On Sea Shepherd Cove Guardian Facebook page one of their minions arriving in Taiji, Japan from Australia, wrote in part the following:

“… one has the right to claim ownership over any living being.”

Really?  She wrote that in her third paragraph and apparently forgot what she wrote in the preceding paragraph.  Here is what she wrote in part:

“If there is anything I’ve learnt from my interaction with animals, be it my dog or spontaneous encounters in the wild; it is that animals are indiscriminate…….”

Did you notice the part where she wrote “my dog?”  Inserting the word “my” before “dog” is stating ownership.  Guess she was so filled with emotion at being in Taiji when she wrote the third paragraph proclaiming no one has a right to own a living being, it slipped her mind what she wrote in the previous paragraph. 

Truth is she exposed the self-righteous smugness of her type.  Do as I tell you to do and not as I do.  These people are liberal elites who demand to dictate to others while exempting themselves from the very same dictates.  They are better than others because they are smarter, have compassion, self-righteous, and smug.  So there!  Just shut up and obey them and be happy they care enough to run your life different than theirs.

Note:  Thanks to others on Facebook for noticing and pointing out this incident of hypocrisy. 

Sea Shepherd Cove Guardian Facebook page:

Link to Texas Daddy store:

Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Mr. Marano,

I meant to publish my comment under the "The Japan Times deception" post (which I have since done). Publishing the comment under the "The smugness of Sea Shepherd types" was an error, which I hope you'll forgive. (I also hope you'll keep my comment posted under "The Japan Times deception" post and that the comment will generate healthy debate, including a response from you.)


Don MacLaren

Unknown said...
