Monday, September 25, 2017

Sea Shepherd's new tactic

Sea Shepherd’s new tactic

Cosplay Watson announced Sea Shepherd surrendered the whales, dolphins to the Faroe Islands,
Auctioneer Paul Watson
Taiji, Japan, and to the Japanese in the Southern Ocean.

Numerous postings by Cosplay Watson and his minions bemoan they will have to adapt new tactics since their abandonment of his clients (the whales and dolphins), failure in the courts, and rejection by the European Commission. 

His new tactic seems to be changing his cosplay costumes.  He changed his cosplay admiral costume for a cosplay hobo costume.  Now recently the cosplay costume of an auctioneer.  Sea Shepherd  Australia announced an auction of some of their items. 

Link to the auction website:

He disposed of his clients the whale, and the dolphins.  

What happened to their other boasting:  “We will forfeit our lives to save the whales.”

He claims he has new tactics.  Perhaps the new tactics not the save whales / dolphins, but to get suckers / emotional wrecks to continue sending him money. 


“….the Ocean dies and when the Ocean dies, we all die!”

Criminal Cosplay Watson’s attempt to justify his abandonment of the dolphins in Taiji:

Criminal Cosplay Watson’s attempt to justify his surrender of the whales in the Southern Ocean:

Related article:

Link to Texas Daddy store:

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