Monday, March 16, 2015

Selma politically correct by The New York Times

Selma politically correct by 
The New York Times

Recently there was a recreation in Selma, Alabama of the Selma March from 1965.  An iconic photograph from that march illustrated Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King accompanied by many civil rights advocates alongside him.  In an attempt to recreate that photograph, the front line of that march in 2015 illustrated President Obama in the front.

The photograph of that recreation appeared on the front page of the March 8, 2015 issue of The New York Times.  The New York Times purposely cropped out of the photograph  President George Bush and Laura Bush also on  the front line.  Why?  Simple, The New York Times did not want to promote Republicans and/or conservatives as being concerned about civil rights.  Political correctness.

Noteworthy of the March, 2015 recreation of the iconic photograph was the noticeable absence of American flags.  Look at the 1965 photograph with Dr. Martin Luther King, and the background is flooded with American flags.  Rev. Martin Luther King and associated in 1965 patriotic proud Americans while in 2015 it seems to state no pride in that same country.     

Related articles:

Explanation of the 1965 Civil Rights march on Selma, Alabama:

Link to Texas Daddy store:

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