The plan is to post one video at the end of each month while President Obama is in The White House, and them dar Democrats control both houses of Congress (the Senate and House of Representatives). The United Socialist States of America emerged after the election of November, 2008, from the ashes of the United States of America (USA).
The July accomplishments of President Obama and them thar Democrats:
1---President Barack Obama promised Russia to reduce nuclear weapons while Iran and North Korea are developing them
2---Obama said if Stimulus passed, unemployment will not pass 8%. It is now over 9%.
3---Democratic Senator Barber Boxer from California (CA or Calif) insults Brigadier General Michael Walsh for addressing her as "ma'am" instead of "Senator." A few weeks later Mr. Harry C. Alford, who is President and CEO of the Black Chamber of Commerce, appeared before Senator Boxer in committee, addressed her as "ma'am" a number of times, and not a word of correction came from Senator Boxer. That is because Mr. Alford was not in military uniform and them thar Democrats despise the American military.
4---Democrats in Congress refused to support a resolution that would require them to be part of any health care legislation they pass.
5---Democrats pass bill to aid wild horses: Here is what HR1018 proposes to do with the $700 million: a).Conducts a horse census every two years b).Provides "enhanced contraception" and birth control for horses c).Establishes an additional 19 million acres of public and private land for wild horses d).Covers $5 million tab to repair horse damage to land e).Mandates that government bureaucrats perform home inspections before Americans can adopt horses
6---U.S. government purchased 760,000 pounds of ham at $1.50 per pound, when Food Lion was selling it at .79 cents per pound.
7---End of life counseling will be required every 5 years, of all seniors to convince them to stop being a burden on society. On pages 425/426 of the bill.
8---How come GITMO is still open?
9---In Obama's 7/22/2009 press conference he put down doctors, insurance companies, the profit motive (capitalism), and the police.
10--What is the exit strategy for our troops in Afghanistan?
11—North Korea labels Hillary: "Sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl and sometimes a pensioner going shopping."
12—Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel: has written in medical journals of how health care should be rationed, with priority given to younger people over seniors and over those suffering from dementia. Incidentally, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is the brother of Rohm Emanuel, Chief of Staff to President Obama.
13—"Cash for clunkers" was to have enough money for four months, but did not last more that five days. Good Democratic Congress planning. Can you say, "health care?"
This blog is an attempt to expose the propaganda masquerading as political correctness which is epidemic in the news media. A news media which is following the model established by fascist, communist, and dictatorial regimes. Plus a few fun videos mixed in with some product reviews. Also, exposing the hypocrisy of cult groups such as She Shepherd and their type .
Friday, July 31, 2009
USSA United Socialist States of America July, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hillary dissed by the commie gangsters in North Korea
Secretary of State for the United States of America (USA), Hillary Clinton was recently in Phuket, Thailand. Madam Secretary was there to attend a meeting of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). At this conference Hillary metaphorically pointed her finger at the gangster commie leaders of North Korea, the Hermit Kingdom under the thumb of the lunatic Dear Leader, Kim Jong il in the empty head. Mrs. Clinton was berating North Korea for their nuclear and missile development.
The North Koreans responded by releasing the following statement concerning the Secretary of State for the USA:
"We cannot but regard Clinton as a funny lady as she likes to utter such rhetoric, unaware of the elementary etiquette in the international community. Sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl and sometimes a pensioner going shopping."
What makes this interesting is when the Clintons shared the Oval Office at The White House as co-presidents in the 1990s, it was her husband, x-rated Bill Clinton who allowed the nuclear technology to be sold to the gangsters in Communist North Korea. Now some years later Hillary is upset the North Koreans for using the technology her husband allowed to be sold to them. Is it no wonder the commies in The Hermit Kingdom lashed back at her?
It is good to see one commie verbally attacking another commie.
"A communist is like a crocodile: when it opens its mouth you cannot tell whether it is trying to smile or preparing to eat you up."
------Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minster of the United Kingdom
Monday, July 27, 2009
Commies in China upset over Australian film festival
The Melbourne International Film Festival this year seems to be a burr in the commie saddle in Beijing, China, The Middle Kingdom. Where is the Kubla Khan when we need him? Perhaps the commies should reflect on Confucius, an ancient Chinese philosopher who once said / wrote:
"When anger rises, think of the consequences."
The commies are upset over a film to be shown at the festival titled, "The 10 Conditions of Love." This is a movie about a leader of the Uyghur (Uighur) people who lives in Chinas western region of Xinjiang, named Rebiya Kadeer. Rebiya Kadeer currently lives in the United States of America (USA), and was invited to the festival for the viewing of the film.
The commies demanded Rebiya Kadeer not be invited and not to show the film. The festival organizers ignored the demands of the commies. This resulted in festival computers and website to be hacked into from hackers locked in China. Many of whom left hateful and vile comments as illustrated by the comments left on videos posted by this YouTuber.
Recently it looks as if Beijing is trying to bully Australia. Earlier this year Australian Prime Minster suggested Australia might want to consider building up their military because the Americans may no longer be able to be relied on. How true that was! With this current administration in Washington, DC (President Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, etc), it would be wise for other Asian nations to consider doing the same.
This suggestion by Prime Minster Rudd caused the Beijing government to express displeasure at such a thought. Why would the commies be upset about the Australian military built up if the commies do not have any mischief in mind? Hmmmm? This should be a wake up call to South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines to consider doing the same because of the current spineless administration in Washington who is in the process of dismantling the USA.
Could the Beijing government also be upset over Rio Tinto?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Japan - two atomic bombs - a U.S.A. apology?
Recently appeared in a Japanese newspaper was an article about some Japanese students visiting a memorial in Hiroshima. It is a memorial to the dead as a result of the United States dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. There is a similar memorial in Nagasaki for the same reason. A gentleman in Japan asked if the United States should apologize for dropping the two atomic bombs on Japan.
Answer: No.
It was war, the purpose of war is to destroy as much of the enemy as possible and to cause as much destruction as possible upon the enemy. It is a sad reality of life that is the purpose of war that is why we try at all cost to avoid going to war. War results as a failure and a break down of diplomacy.
During the Second World War there was an American general named General George
Patton, and he said, paraphrase that "you do not win a war by dying for your country
you win a war by letting the enemy die for their country."
Rather simple.
Another American general during the American Civil War (1861-1865), William Tecumseh Sherman. He said that "war is hell," and when he inflicted war upon the Confederacy. He made sure that the people there knew war was hell. His reasoning was to make war as horrific as possible so the enemy once subdued would not want to go back to war again.
When the USA dropped the two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was after two battles that took place previously in that year Iwo Jima and Okinawa. This resulted in the deaths of thousands, mainly on the Japanese forces. The Japanese in Okinawa, the causalities were almost the same amount as the troops they had on the island.
They were fierce fighters refusing to surrender to the Americans. Americans thought: look the war is over in Europe, and we are finished with that, let us get this over with the war in the Pacific. The USA saw what happened on Okinawa and figured invading Japan going to be a bloodbath because they are going to have every man, women, child, civilian, and military protect the homeland. As any nation should do, protect yourselves against an invading army
The USA knew the death toll would be in the hundreds of thousands if not millions.
In addition the United States pretty much neutralized Japans war heavy industry the war making abilities. The Japanese did not roll over and play dead, they moved that industry into little portions of it into the homes of the Japanese people, which in a sense made them a target. Now put aside the casualties that were going to take place, and put aside the war production capabilities in the individual homes. Look at the third reason, the Soviet Union, the commies, the Russians were planning to or about to invade Japan. The Japanese high command and the United States knew that once the Soviets got a hold of Japan they were not going to let go of it like they did in Eastern Europe. The USA had to bring that war to a fast conclusion to prevent the island nation of Japan from being occupied in party by the Soviets.
The USA wanted democracy in Japan, not communism.
A good friend that in Tokyo who attends Waseda University wrote a very insightful article in reference to the behind the scenes activities of the Japanese High Command in the waning days of World War Two and as to the reasons for their surrender, here is the link to that excellent article:
To fellow Americans who have been the victim of a public school education in the United States within the last thirty years, hope this video does not cause you to seek
therapy because you have heard the truth here where you have not heard that in the public
As someone once wrote,
"The tragedy of war is it takes mans best to do mans worst."
Monday, July 20, 2009
Obama / Democrat healthcare plan is unconstitutional
This health care issue is a hallucinated right that is not a right, and is wrong per the constitution of the United States of America (USA).
Them thar Demicrats (Democrats) and President Obama are not challenged constitutionally on this issue because of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR 32nd President, elected to four terms). During the 1930s FDR had the Supreme Court rule his New Deal legislation as constitutional by exploiting the interstate commerce clause article 1, section 8, clause 3, of the U.S. Constitution.
Some background of this clause: After the American Revolution the law of the land was the Articles of Confederation. Under these articles the newly formed nation consisted of 13 states and one weak central government. States printed their own money, and assessed tariffs on goods / products shipped between state lines. The states soon came to realize the Articles were weak and ineffective causing them to send 55 delegates to Philadelphia in 1787 to make the articles stronger. Instead the delegates scrapped the Articles and wrote the Constitution.
In this new document to address the issue of commerce between the states, Article 1, Section 8, clause 3 was inserted. Remember now this was done to effect the smooth transition of business between the states, nothing to do with healthcare in any form. These delegates after the constitution was ratified went on to hold positions in the newly formed government. Here is a list of the government positions they held:
15 Senators
10 members of the House of Representatives
6 Cabinet posts
4 governors
3 Supreme Court Justices
2 Presidents
1 Federal Judge
If health care was part of the Constitution, then how come when these men held the above positions not a one called for the Federal government involvement in healthcare? To understand a law, one examines the intent of the authors / legislators. In an attempt to explain the Constitution to the states some members of the convention authored The Federalist Papers. No where in The Federalist Papers can healthcare be located. These men engaged in volumes of correspondence and once again no mention of health care.
The government of these here United States has no business injecting itself into healthcare and by the intent, actions, and behavior of the Founders, such a step is unconstitutional.
Principle author of The Declaration of Independence and third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson once said,
"When a government is afraid of its people there is freedom, when people are afraid of their government there is tyranny."
The determination through this administration and Democrats in Congress total disregard for the Constitution and successfully defeating capitalism, have given us the tyranny President Jefferson warned us about.
It was Vladimir Lenin who said,
"The goal of socialism is communism."
Friday, July 17, 2009
President Obama and his CZARs circumvent the U.S. Constitution

The advise and consent clause as established in the U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 2:
".but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper,"
President Obama is appointing officials to his Executive Branch without conferring with the Senate. Here are some notables of his appointments as our nations Czars:
Energy Czar: Carol M. Browner
A Clintonesta and member of Socialist International and one of the leaders of Commission For a Sustainable World Society. Which believes wealthy countries should shrink their economies to address climate change.
Car Czar: Ed Montgomery
Served in the Clinton Administration.
Health Care Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle
DeParle has drawn criticism for her lucrative service on corporate boards after her tenure in the Clinton administration. reported that she was paid more than $6 million, and served as a director of half a dozen companies that faced federal investigations, whistleblower lawsuits and other regulatory actions. Many of these companies have a stake in the health care reform that she is leading.
Border Czar: Alan Bersin (Former US attorney).
Friend to Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton during their college years.
Science Czar: John Holdren.
Advocated forced abortions intentionally tainting the water supply with infertility drugs.
Mandating unwed and teen mothers chose between abortion or giving child up for adoption. Creating a global transnational police force to enforce population control
John Holdren story:
Green jobs Czar: Van Jones.
Admits being radicalized in jail. He has referred to himself as a communist and black nationalist. He said after the Rodney King riots he was a communist.
Website addressing this issue: www.taxpayer which reports in part:
"It has taken President Barack Obama less than eight months to do what imperial Russia could not do in 400 years."
Taxpayers for Common Sense reports that Obama has appointed 31 "czars." Thats more than ruled Russia during its entire imperial history.
In 1787 Doctor Benjamin Franklin was asked on the last day of the Constitutional Convention, while exiting the building:
"Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?"
Dr. Franklin answered:
"A Republic, if you can keep it."
The full list of Czars:
1.Technology Czar: Aneesh Chopra,
2. Drug Czar: Gil Kerlikowske
3. Copyright Czar: Not appointed yet.
4. Energy Czar: Carol M. Browner
5. Car Czar: Ed Montgomery.
6. Terrorism/WMD Czar: Gary Samore.
7. Health Care Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle.
8. Education Czar: Not appointed yet.
9. Economic Czar: Paul Volcker.
10. Mortgage Czar: Not appointed yet.
11. Urban Affairs/Housing Czar: Adolfo Carrion.
12. Guantanamo closure Czar: Danny Fried.
13. Great lakes Czar: Cameron Davis.
14. Stimulus accountability Czar: Earl Devaney.
15. Cyberspace Czar: Not appointed yet.
16. Border Czar: Alan Bersin (Former US attorney).
17. Intelligence Czar: Admiral Dennis Blair.
18. Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein.
19. Pay Czar: Kenneth Feinberg
20. Iran Czar: Not appointed yet.
21. Tarp Czar: Herb Allison.
22. Middle-East peace Czar: George Mitchell.
23. Science Czar: John Holdren.
24. Green jobs Czar: Van Jones.
25. Afghanistan Czar: Richard Holbrooke.
26. Sudan Czar: J. Scott Gration.
27. Mideast policy Czar: Dennis Ross.
28. Information Czar: Vivek Kundra.
29. AIDS Czar: Jeffrey Crowley.
30. Faith-based Czar: Joshua Dubois.
31. Climate Czar: Todd Stern.
The above video at one time appeared on the YouTube channel: PropagandaBuster
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Ogling brothers: Obama, Sarkozy, and Berlusconi
President of these here United States of America (USA), President Barack Obama recently attended a G8 conference in Europe. While there in Italy President Obama posed for a group photograph with other members including members of the Junior 8 (J8).
During this photo session a young Brazilian from Rio de Janeiro named Mayara Tavares passed President Obama and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France. The two presidents ogled the passing Ms. Tavares, while President Obama was helping another lady descend a step (multi-tasking). The photo taken clearly shows President Obama admiring or noticing the derriere of Ms. Tavares.
This photographed traveled around the world at lightening speed as it was humorous. However once it reached the USA, the feminist broads cried foul and admonished President Obama for behaving like a man. With feminist anytime a man behaves like a man, that is abhorrent behavior and must be modified if not eliminated.
This caused the American news media to rush in a do some damage control. Specifically ABC led the way. Remember it is ABCs George Stephanopoulos who most mornings has a conference call with President Obamas chief of staff, Rohm Emmanuel, and two Democratic Party strategist James Carville, and Paul Begala. Plus recently ABC broadcast live their evening news from The White House to promote President Obamas nationalized health care plan.
ABC showed a video of the photo session and passed the lecherous title to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, while giving President a total pass and complimenting him for being a total gentleman helping a lady behind him descend a step. No doubt President Obama did behavior like a gentleman, however while doing so he also behaved like a man and took notice of Ms. Mayara Tavares as she passed by. Nothing wrong with that at all.
Here is the link to the distorted report by ABC News:
Photographs showing other activity by the Ogling Brothers of Obama, Sarkozy, and Berlusconi seemed to have been omitted by the American news media; however they appear in this video.
The truth be known, the real reason the bias / slanted / Democratic Party controlled American news media made an issue of this photograph was to cover up another photograph taken at the G8. It was a photograph of President Obama making nice (shaking hands) with the dictator of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi. Gaddafi responsible for the 1986 explosion at a disco in Berlin, named La Belle, where many Americans were murdered. Plus the blowing up of Pan Am 747 over Lockerbie, Scotland, UK, where 270 people were murdered and Gaddafi refused to turn over the murderers responsible for that event. This is the man the president of the USA made nice with, and the reason why the American news media used the Mayara Tavares photo to deflect from the photo of Obama and Gaddafi.
The American Founding Fathers inserted into the United States Constitution the first then amendments called The Bill of Rights. The first amendment reads:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The part protecting a free press was included because they believed in order to have a healthy representative democracy the citizenry need to be well informed. With that they believe this could only be accomplished if the press was free of government control and regulation. This is known as a constitutional mandate given to the news media.
Looking at the news medias present behavior with this administration it can be said the news media forfeited their constitutional responsibility.
"The press is our chief ideological weapon"
---Nikita Khrushchev Premier of the Soviet Union 1958 1964
"Advertisements contain the only truth to be relied on in a newspaper."
---President Thomas Jefferson - 1801-1809
Friday, July 10, 2009
Xinjiang riots in Communist led China, the update and perhaps correction
The Uighur's of China's western province of Xinjiang, demonstrated, turned riot, turned murder, turned mass arrest.
Previous video posted: "Xinjiang Uyghur's (Uighur) riot in Communist China."
In this video it was stated over 150 Uyghur were murdered by the commie authorities. This statement was made during a news blackout of Xinjiang Province by the Communist in Beijing. Because of this media blackout people were left to seek information from secondhand sources as the communist media could not be trusted. They are about as trustworthy as the American news media.
A few days after the riots some selected members of the foreign news were allowed in Xinjiang Province. The latest news came about after the posting of the first Xinjiang riot video. Now it was reported 156 were murdered. Of which 33 were Uyghur, while 123 were innocent Han civilians.
123 innocent Han civilians were attacked and murdered by roving Uyghur thugs. The Uyghur had a legitimate grievance against the commies, however once innocent civilians were murdered, they lost all legitimacy. The murdering of innocent civilians by a mob of angry people can not be condoned, tolerated, or accepted.
Sorry folks, I just cannot side with or accept the murdering of innocent civilians. It is wrong and any group that performs such acts negates any creditability they may have enjoyed. This posting is the result of news dated July 9, 2009. If news surfaces to prove this to be in error, well then welcome to the propaganda and media control of The Middle Kingdom, communist led China. ---- Tony ----- (aka: PropagandaBuster)
Xinjiang Province in Communist China was once autonomous. The region is made up of ethnic Uyghur (Uighur) who are Muslim (Islam) and speak in a Turkish dialect. In 1949 the Communist Chinese occupied the province and said the province was not part of greater Communist China. The Communist proceeded to suppress the Uyghur culture, language and religion. Uyghurs under 18 years old are prohibited by Communist law to enter a Mosque.
The Communist encouraged ethnic Han Chinese (the majority ethnic group in China) to migrate to Xinjiang Province. This resulted in the diluting of Uyghur prominence as now they are a minority in Xingjian Province. It is said Xingjian is Chinas other Tibet. Or Tibet is Chinas other Xinjiang.
Recently at a toy factory there was a disturbance between workers who are Uyghur and Chinese. Resulting in the death of two Uyghur. The Communist police refused to investigate meaningfully. The Uyghur then demonstrated demanding the Communist authorities look into the death of these two Uyghur men. The police ordered the demonstrators to disperse. They refused. Riot troops with batons and shields moved in beating the protestors. The protestors then hurled rocks, bottles, stones, and brinks. The Communist turned a demonstration into a riot.
The Communist Chinese never take responsibility for their murderous behavior. When there was trouble in Tibet, they blamed the Dali Lama. Now there is trouble in Xinjiang the communist place the Rebiya Kadeer of the World Uyghur Congress.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Xinjiang Uyghur's (Uighur) riot in Communist China
The Uighur's of China's western province of Xinjiang, demonstrated, turned riot, turned murder, turned mass arrest.
Xinjiang Province in Communist China was once autonomous. The region is made up of ethnic Uyghur (Uighur) who are Muslim (Islam) and speak in a Turkish dialect. In 1949 the Communist Chinese occupied the province and said the province was now part of greater Communist China. The Communist proceeded to suppress the Uyghur culture, language and religion. Uyghurs under 18 years old are prohibited by Communist law to enter a Mosque.
The Communist encouraged ethnic Han Chinese (the majority ethnic group in China) to migrate to Xinjiang Province. This resulted in the diluting of Uyghur prominence as now they are a minority in Xingjian Province. It is said Xingjian is Chinas other Tibet. Or Tibet is Chinas other Xinjiang.
Recently at a toy factory there was a disturbance between workers who are Uyghur and Chinese. Resulting in the death of two Uyghur. The Communist police refused to investigate meaningfully. The Uyghur then demonstrated demanding the Communist authorities look into the death of these two Uyghur men. The police ordered the demonstrators to disperse. They refused. Riot troops with batons and shields moved in beating the protestors. The protestors then hurled rocks, bottles, stones, and brinks. The Communist turned a demonstration into a riot.
The Communist troops then quelled the riot by firing live bullets into the crowds, killing over 150 Uyghur. In civilized societies riots are quelled using tear gas, rubber bullets or water cannons. The Commies used no such methods as they weapon of choice is the bullet.
The next day the ethnic Han Chinese rioted to attack the Uyghur. Here the commie authorities used tear gas to quell the Han while using bullets on the Uyghur. Further proof communist no matter where they are on this planet are a despicable bunch to be despised by all civilized people. A barbarian has more class than a commie!
The Communist Chinese never take responsibility for their murderous behavior. When there was trouble in Tibet, they blamed the Dali Lama. Now there is trouble in Xinjiang the communist place the Rebiya Kadeer of the World Uyghur Congress.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Cap and Trade, the continued assault on America
The United States Congress, specifically the House of Representatives, controlled by the Democratic Party (the party of the left, extreme liberals) passed HR 2454, better known as Cap and Trade. This legislation will place an additional burden on the already collapsing American economy.
Conservative estimates place the additional cost per household at around $1,200 a year. It will raise the price of a gallon of gasoline to around $5.00 a gallon. Electric rates will rise 90%. There will be 400 new regulations, and 1,000 mandates. Also will place a tax of $80 to $170 per cow per year because of methane gas (bovine flatulence) released by the animal. This additional tax will be passed on to the consumer.
The Cap and Trade is masquerading as an attempt to stem the negative effects of man-made global warming, which is a hoax. Also it is being reported by many in the know, the earth is actually in a cooling period.
Here is a link to two articles exposing the true dangers of this legislation:
Meaning the true intend of this legislation is to collapse the U.S. economy. Why else would the Democrats / President Obama want to add additional cost and raise taxed when the American economy is in the toilet? To complete their leftist agenda, a socialist take over, more accurately a communist take over, they need to have a total collapse of America. No country ever went communist who had a healthy and thriving economy.
One would ask, why would Americans want to collapse and hurt America just to effect a complete communist take over? Simple answer: To liberals and Democrats their politics come before God, nation, and family. Further proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
In the House of Representatives the vote was:
219 yes / 212 no
Eight traitorous Republicans voted for Cap and Trade, and here they are:
Mary Bono Mack California
Michael Castle Delaware
Mark Kirk Illinois
Leonard Lance New Jersey
Frank LoBiondo New Jersey
John McHugh New York
Christopher Smith New Jersey
David Reichert New York
Notice they all come from blue state controlled by the Democratic Party, the party of the left.
Incidentally the cap and trade legislation / treaty would exempt India and China the two largest polluters on earth. This is an attempt to bring the industrial nations to their knees.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Japan and South Korea supporting North Koreas missile and nuclear development?
The North Koreans basically have a depressed economy where mass starvation has become a way of life in the Hermit Kingdom. So where are the North Korean communist and Dear Leader getting the billions to develop their nuclear weapons and missile program? Good question!
In Japan there are pachinko parlors which is something between a pin ball machine and a slot machine. Many of these parlors are operated by North Koreans who send the profits directly to North Korea / Kim Jong-il. In just one year, 2005, it was estimated three to ten billion dollars were sent to North Korean communist from these pachinko parlors in Japan.
On the Korean peninsular, just north of the 38th parallel there is a town called Kaesong. An industrial park was created in this communist North Korean town, called Kaesong Industrial Region.
Many South Koreans set up manufacturing plants in the Kaesong Industrial Region. Products can be produced cheaper here than in China. It is estimated the corporate tax paid by South Korean companies to the North Korean commies / Dear Leader (Kim Jong-ill in the head), is 1.78 billion dollars.
Looking at these figures it is rather easy to see where the North Koreans are getting their money to develop their missile and nuclear weapons which threaten South Korea, Japan, and the United States of America.
So while the USA is admonishing the North Koreans for their missile and nuclear development, South Korea and Japan through the back door are financing these weapon developments. Geo politics are just plain crazy?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
USSA United Socialist States of America June, 2009
The plan is to post one video at the end of each month while President Obama is in The White House, and them dar Democrats control both houses of Congress (the Senate and House of Representatives). The United Socialist States of America emerged after the election of November, 2008, from the ashes of the United States of America (USA).
The June accomplishments of President Obama and them dar Democrats:
1---Obama announced the ban has been lifted to allow lobbyist in his administration.
2---Obama's Justice Dept dropped the charges against the Black Panthers in Philadelphia on voter intimidation in the 2008 elections.
3---Obama's Justice Dept stopped the state of George from clearing from their voter registrations dead people and illegal's.
4---Obama stated he will continue preventive detentions
5---Obama boasting about his Muslim roots while hiding it during the election. Was he ashamed then and not now?
6---Obama said while in Saudi Arabia: "if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world".
7---Obama said Iran has a right to nuclear power yet Obama and the Democrats deny the USA from building nuclear power plants.
8---Obama declined President of France invitation to dinner
9---Obama implements pay as you go AFTER he spent and borrowed all the money via Stimulus
10---Banks paying back TARP money, the money does not go back to the Treasury, but back to TARP to continue with the slush fund.
12--Obama is decreasing the funding for SDI while North Korea is developing a missile with a range to hit the USA.
13---Obama fires Inspector General Gerald Walpin who was investigating AmeriCoprs and Obama supporter Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson.
14---D-Senator Dodd from Connecticut is temp chairman of Health Committee writing health care legislation, while his wife is on the board of 4 health care companies.
15---Obama is also paying Palau over 200 million to take prisoners from Guantanamo.
16---Democrat U.S. Representative Barney Frank from Massachusetts has asked Fannie Mae and Freddie Max to relax tightened standards on mortgages. Thus trying to create another mortgage crises.