Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ric O’Barry thrown under the bus by Watson

 Link to above video:

Ric O’Barry thrown under the bus by Watson

Mr. Ric O’Barry of the Dolphin Project and “The Cove” fame as of this writing has been detained at Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan.  Japanese authorities are questioning him and in the process of deciding whether to deport him or allow him to travel in Japan to Taiji.

On Mr. O’Barry’s Dolphin Project website the following was written in part concerning his detention:

“Officials also accused him of making “The Cove” movie, as well as being related to Sea Shepherd, an anti-poaching organization. O’Barry has denied both accusations.”

O’Barry denied he was involved with the movie “The Cove” or Sea Shepherd.  Really?

Pull up “The Cove” in Wikipedia and Ric O’Barry is listed as staring in the movie.  Pull up “Ric O’Barry” in Wikipedia and “The Cove” is listed as one of his accomplishments. 

On the same day Mr. O’Barry was being detained Sea Shepherd’s Paul Watson on his Facebook page posted a commentary titled “Welcome to ‘Stay the Hell Out of Japan Club’ Ric.”  In the third and fourth paragraph, cosplay Watson wrote:

“Ric O’Barry has been there also, in fact he first came to Taiji with the Sea Shepherd crew in 2003 and when he returned with the production crew of The Cove a couple of years later, he did the practical thing and renounced his association with Sea Shepherd and we of course understood why he had to do so.

In 2003, two Sea Shepherd volunteers cut a net and released 16 dolphins back to the sea for which they were arrested and held for a month before being released upon payment of an $8,500 U.S. fine which was only about $500 per freed dolphin, so not really a bad deal. Sea Shepherd was told not to return to Taiji and we were told that even wearing a Sea Shepherd shirt would be reason for expulsion.”

This was posted while O’Barry was being detained and denying any involvement with Sea Shepherd and The Cove.  Watson throwing O’Barry under the bus writes O’Barry was part of Sea Shepherd in 2003 in Taiji, and was there when the law was broken by cutting a net.  Watson also purposely wrote O’Barry was part of The Cove production crew when O’Barry denied that involvement while being detained.

Watson’s writing was an obvious attempt to hinder O’Barry rather than assisting him.  See no honor among their type. 

How can anyone with O’Barry’s history possibly think he would be believed by denying involvement with Sea Shepherd or The Cove?  There is too much evidence proving him incorrect.  Perhaps O’Barry is more devoted to Watson than Watson is devoted to him.  Seems like O’Barry was practicing Watson’s advice as written in his book “Earthforce,” page 43 promoting telling lies with “make it up.”

Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project page concerning his detention:

Cosplay Watson’s Facebook page about Ric O’Barry:

Related article:

Photograph of Ric O’Barry with three others receiving an Academy Award for “The Cove:”

Photograph of Ric O’Barry with criminal cosplay Watson of Sea Shepherd:

Link to Texas Daddy store:
Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project page stating Ric "denied" The Cove and Sea Shepherd
Paul Watson's Facebook commentary exposing Ric's connection to Sea Shepherd and The Cove

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