Sea Shepherd Expose’ another tale of the sea
Link to episode one:
For years been posting videos extolling the ills of Sea
Shepherd for basically being oriented to getting people to part with their
money rather than saving whales or dolphins.
To help with this message recently former members or members of Sea
Shepherd have reached out to expose the sordid details of this cult-like group
providing an expose’ much needed.
There are more leaks within the Sea Shepherd than just those
in their rusting hulks. Sources from within the Sea Shepherd world, including
those that have worked directly with the fugitive Paul Watson, are starting to
speak their concerns about abuses within the group including how donors' money
is being taken for one purpose and used for another.
A Sea Shepherd insider recently provided the information in
this video.
When his Excellency pope Paul the Watson use to sail their
rust bucket garbage scow the Steve Irwin Due to his Excellency
enjoyed the companionship of his girlfriends while on those long voyages.
other members of the cult group dubbed it the Love Boat.
other members of the cult group dubbed it the Love Boat.

The trimaran MY Ady Gil (formerly Earthrace) collided with
the Japanese vessel the Shonan Maru 2 on January 6, 2010. The vessel did not belong to Sea Shepherd; it
was charted to them by Mr. Ady Gil. It
is curious to note here an insider stated Sea Shepherd is suing the Japanese whalers
for 3 million dollars for a vessel they did not own. Huh?
When the MY Ady Gil collided with the Japanese vessel
causing damage to the hull, according to Peter Bethune (former member of Sea
Shepherd and skipper of the MY Ady Gil) the damaged vessel was released from
being towed. According to experts the
vessel could have been repaired. However
his Excellency did not want to keep towing the damaged vessel causing the Steve
Irwin to slow down in pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet.
Because the MY Ady Gil was purposely abandoned Mr. Gil filed
a 5 million dollar lawsuit against Sea Shepherd. The 5 million dollar figure was inflated by
his Excellency claiming the law suit was 50 million dollars. Not correct
another cult group hallucination.
The lawsuit filed by Mr. Gil asked for 5 million dollars;
however it has the potential of reaching 45 million dollars, not the 50 million
claimed by the cult group. It is
reported Mr. Gil offered to settle out of court for one million dollars
allowing Sea Shepherd (the floating circus) to pay it out over a number of
years. The payments were to go directly
to Mr. Gil who in turn said he would not keep the money but turn it over to
other animal rights groups.
Sea Shepherd said no and the lawsuit continues. Of course Sea Shepherd declined to pay one
million and instead is determined to take their chances in paying anywhere from
5 million to 45 million dollars. Because
that money will come from suckers around the world.
Note: Photographs and
video of the MY Ady Gil courtesy of the Institute for Cetacean Research - ICR.
The “really” part of the video was created on the grounds of
the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Japan.
Credits: thank you to
all who donate and support Sea Shepherd.
This extraction of money provides a wealth of material for these
videos. Thank you also to Sea Shepherd’s
former / current members and or former / current insiders for providing the
sordid details of this group.
Related videos:
Related articles:
Peter Bethune suing Sea Shepherd:
Articles on Ady Gil suing Sea Shepherd:
Sea Shepherd suing the Japanese whalers over the Ady Gil:
Paul Watson’s communique:
Link to Texas Daddy store:
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