Monday, October 17, 2011

Smoking Briskets Rustic Texas

This video is my second attempt at trying to be creative with my videos being inspired by the YouTuber: AbandonedScotland.

The Knights of Columbus I belong to affiliated with a Roman Catholic Church was asked to smoke twelve briskets for the Church’s annual dinner dance. A member of our Knights has five acres in the rural part of Dallas County. It was on his property we smoked the 12 briskets in two smokers.

The first part of this video are the smokers and associated smoke. The second part of the video are of the items found throughout the five acres. All this images in this video are videos and no still photography.

This video was inspired about another YouTuber: AbandonedScotland, here is the link to his channel:

Link to his inspirational video:

Camera used is a DSLR with video capabilities: Nikon D3100, used a Nikkor 55 -200mm lens (“Nikkor” is a Nikon product), no filter. The ground was parched, and grass brown due to the long dry, drought affected summer in this part of Texas.

Music titled: “Farmyard Blues” by Jeremy Sherman, from the website (Neo Sounds).

This video is not to compete with AbandonedScotland, but shown as an inspiration from AbandonedScotland.

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