Sunday, August 22, 2010

Partner or Pardner Tony

I have been accepted to be a YouTube Partner, in Texas that would be “pardner.” Being a partner I thank my subscribers, friends, and viewers. Thank you, ya’ll.

About a year ago Leanne in Australia urged me to apply for partner. I declined for various reasons not making much sense. Recently another YouTuber “MadBadVood” urged me to partner. Type into Google “propagandabuster” and it returns with 179,000 hits. Meaning others are using my videos for their advantage (no problem with that). I figured why not me?

Shout out for YouTuber “IamThePeople1” The channel belonging to a young lady conservative who posted one video to date. Please click on the link below to view her channel and urge her to post additional videos.

There are many male conservatives on YouTube expressing their views; it would be refreshing to hear from the female conservative perspective. Please support “IamThePeople1” and urge her to post videos.

Link to “IamThePeople1:”

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