Sunday, August 1, 2010

Political correctness - death of a nation - the USA

Attention all of America’s enemies: Cease your hostile planning against these here United States of America as your goal has been accomplished. No, the USA was not defeated by foreign enemies, but by home-grown political correct drowns products of academia, Hollywood, and the news media. All of whom have forced upon the USA political correctness. Part of this hideous ideology is to attack Christians and Christianity.

Attending Georgia University, Augusta State University, in the graduate program for Counseling is or was a student by the name of Jennifer Keeton. Ms. Keeton made the mistake of identifying as a Christian and expressing homosexuality runs counter to her Christian beliefs.

The University insisted Ms. Keeton attend diversity workshops with the possible inclusion of attending a gay pride parade. Until such is accomplished, Ms. Keeton was banished from the University’s graduate counseling program. Ms. Keeton ran afoul of political correctness now must pay for her beliefs.

Eastern Michigan University student Julea Ward was expelled from a similar program for the same expression of faith and Christian beliefs. He case went to court and a Federal judge, a Demicrat (Democrat); a Clintonista (appointed by x-rated resident Clinton) named George Caram Steeh upheld the expulsion.

Link to article about Jennifer Keeton:

Link to article about Julea Ward:

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