Friday, November 9, 2007

Bay Haven Elementary School 4th grade class will not honor A

Bay Haven Elementary School in Sarasota, Florid... (more)
Bay Haven Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, has a 4th grade class who will not be celebrating our American military for Veterans Day. Instead the 4th grade teacher will be teaching the class about conscious objectors. When the principal Mrs. Betsy Asheim-Dean was asked about it, she said she had no say in classroom curriculum. Really? The Sarasota Herald Tribune was notified as well as the superintendent of the schools, Dr. Gary Norris. This is very typical of the re-educators masquerading as teachers in the re-education camps (public schools) out to propagandize the children of America to their extreme left wing, anti America, anti capitalism brainwashing.

Contact information:

Bay Haven Elementary School
2901 West Tamiami Circle
Sarasota, FL 34234
941 359-5800
941 359-5694 -- fax

Principal Mrs. Betsey Asheim-Dean

Superintendent Dr. Gary Norris
941 927-4009

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