Sea Shepherd’s commie like behavior
Historically when tyrants, dictators, fascists, and commies
have taken over a populace the first targeted groups for indoctrination are the

Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians (Cove Cowards) are in Taiji,
Japan attempting to harass the local populace.
While they are creating a diversion by being a nuisance another
so-called “save the dolphins” group was busy loitering at a local elementary
school handing out anti-dolphin harvesting fliers.
These fliers in color show graphic images of dolphins being
cut and plenty of blood. The attempt was
to upset the children and turn them against their parents. The people of Taiji can trace their heritage
in that village going back well over four-hundred years and all engaged one way
or another in the fishing / dolphin / whale trade. Almost all of their last names are related to
that industry.

With pride these horrible “Cowards” live stream their
ugliness for all to see. Here is their
link (CAUTION: watch at your own risk as civilized people will be disgusted
watching the Cove Cowards ignorant, smug, self-righteous behavior trying to
attain the moral high-ground while be miserable failures):
Link to Texas Daddy store:
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