Benghazi attack cover up
Link to SUN News Benghazi expose:
Michael Coren of Sun News interviewed American independent
journalist Steve Emerson in the above compelling video.

- The CIA sent cables three months in advance of the murderous
attack in Benghazi requesting additional security for the consulate.
- CIA was sure of an emanate attack.- In the cables listed ten attacks upon the consulate.
- The terrorist announced three days in advance of the September 11, 2011 murderous attack there would be an attack upon the consulate.
- After the attack The White House instructed “friendly” journalist to blame the attack solely upon the video.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder (Democrat) squashed
several indictments on Islamic terrorist money laundering.
President Obama selected Thomas Pickering to lead the Benghazi investigation.
Who is Thomas Pickering?
Here is his background and affiliations:
Foreign policy leftist served as ambassador to
Russia, Israel, El Salvador, Jordan India, Nigeria, and the United Nations- Served as chairman of the board for the George Soros group “International Crisis Group”
- Advocated for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
- Explored opening relations with Hamas
- Pushed for talks with the Taliban
- Argued to remove U.S. tactical nuclear weapons from Europe
- Promoted talks with Iran without any preconditions
- Sits on the board of two pro-Tehran groups (Iran):
A - American Iranian Council
B – National Iranian American Council
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