In Philadelphia (the city of brotherly love), Pennsylvania, at South Philadelphia High School, recently (December 3rd, 2009), there was a hate crime that was not a hate crime. Huh? According to an article appearing in The Dallas Morning News, reprinted from The Associated Press, around 70 mostly black students attacked 35 Asian students at the high school. According to the news article, “…few observers believe the violence was caused by racial hatred.”
In other words, no hate crime here. So why the attack? Was it an expression of love? Did they want the Asians to share their lunch? Truth be known, it must have been jealously. Americans of Asian descent have the highest SAT scores, lowest out of wedlock births, highest average income, and highest college graduation rate. They enjoy as a group one the highest intact family units. They concern themselves with success through education.
For this dedication they are envied by the slothful, lazy, give me a hand out types in the USA. The news article illustrated the success of one of the victims of the South Philadelphia High School attack as Duong Nghe Ly. Mr. Ly with his family migrated to the USA from Vietnam two years ago. This past summer Mr. Ly enjoyed an internship at the University of Pennsylvania, attended a psychology class at a community college, attended conferences in Houston and Boston. What did the attackers do this past summer?
Charts created using Microsoft EXCEL and PAINT. Data a composite sourced from various news related Internet sites. Actual numbers may vary, however the integrity of the hierarchy maintained throughout.
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