Friday, September 6, 2013

Sea Shepherd Cove Guardian minions going after the children

Sea Shepherd Cove Guardian minions going after the children

Here we go again, liberal in the name of compassion going after children again to expand upon their vile agenda. 
This is a comment left on Sea Shepherd’s Cove Guardians Facebook page:

Here is a link to their Facebook page:


Anonymous said...

The red herring you are referring to appears to have no official connection to the Cove Guardian campaign and possibly isn't even talking about Taiji or dolphins. She appears to be a poorly educated person (judging by the grammar) saying hateful things about fishermen. She isn't even affiliated with Sea Shepherd so far as I can tell:

You have pick a random person on the internet and are inferring they have a connection to the Cove Guardians which they do not.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that Sea Shepherd are ENCOURAGING this racist behaviour by the launguage and implicit behaviour they exhibit. If you keep referring to the fishermen as "killers" as the Cove Guardians do in pots after post, how do you think other people will react???
The fact is Sea Shepherd are setting a tone with the language they use...inspiring hatred, anger and racism.