Dennis Rodman and North Korean despot
Recently American basketball Dennis Rodman and the Harlem
Globetrotters visited The Hermit Kingdom, North Korea, north of the 38th
parallel on the Korean peninsula. During
this disgusting trip Mr. Rodman made nice with and played patty fingers with
the thug monster leader of the North Korea: Kim Jong Un (“un” must stand for

While Mr. Rodman was praising and schmoozing with Kim Jung
Un, millions are starving in North Korea, and near 200,000 are being held as
political prisoners.
Dennis Rodman and the Harlem Globetrotters are an
embarrassment to the civilized world for visiting with Kim Jung Un – resident
monster of the Korean peninsula and planet earth.
The commie gangsters rule over a starving nation. That is what commies do, they starve their
populace. Joseph Stalin of the Soviet
Union (USSR – commie land) known as “Uncle Joe” by the adoring American news
media was responsible for the death by starvation of around 30 million
Mao Zedong commie thug of The Middle Kingdom, commie-led
China not to be outdone by “Uncle Joe,” was also responsible for the death by
starvation of around 30 million of his fellow countrymen.
When nations and charitable groups ship food to North Korea,
the peasants do not get the food, the commies, their families, and the military
get the food. The donating nations and
charitable groups make no attempt to verify if the food is being distributed to
the hungry.
Hungry North Korean women escaping cross the North Korean
Chinese border into China. Once in China
they are intercepted by brokers. These
brokers then sell these hungry women into concubines, as house servants, or
wives for men in China. Most of these
women after being sold do not object as long as they are fed each day and
escape the starvation and cruel life in North Korea.
Dennis Rodman being interviewed about this trip by George
Stephanopoulos on “this week:”
Women escaping North Korea:
The first Dear Leader Kim Il-Sung believed if a person
committed a crime be it civil or political, the “bad seed” extended to three
generations. Resulting in the alleged
criminal, the spouse, children, and grandchildren all being imprisoned in a
series of concentration camps located throughout North Korea, north of the 38th
parallel, the DMZ.
They have one camp, “Camp 22” housing 50,000 prisons being
worked and starved.
Related prison camps article:
Camp 22 – 50,000 prisoners:
Between 1977 and 1983 the commies kidnapped 70 to 80
Japanese citizens. The nuts in North
Korea even admit to kidnapping only 13 – meaning they ADMIT to the kidnappings. Incidentally, they also kidnap South Korean
Japanese citizens kidnapped by the commies in North Korea:
Related video:
Link to Texas Daddy store:
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