Thursday, October 17, 2024

Bret Baier / Kamala Harris interview train wreck

Bret Baier / Kamala Harris interview 

train wreck

FOX News Bret Baier / Kamala Harris interview held on 16 October 2024.  The interview was around twenty-seven minutes.  During which Kamala mentioned Donald Trump about twenty times.  A clear display of Trump Derangement Syndrome – TDS.

In addition, the liar (Kamala Harris) claimed President Trump said he will lock people up who disagree with him.  Where is the video?  Anyone?     

Kamala Harris interview train wreck

Link to the full FOX News Bret Baier / Kamala Harris interview:

NOTE:  Black ribbon on the United States flag is an expression of mourning for the death of the constitutional republic in the United States of America that happened on January 20th, 2021.     

Link to Texas Daddy store:

トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라


propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, POTUS, Joe Biden, DNC, Democratic Party Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, Save Democracy, Kamala Harris, 2024 election, Republican Party, RNC,  TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, FOX News, Bret Baier, Bret Baier Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris interview, October surprise,          

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Trump Alien Enemies Act 1798

Trump Alien Enemies Act 1798

At a recent rally, President Trump announced “Operation Aurora” to start on January 20, 2025.  He will be invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798.  It was an act signed into law by the second President John Adams (a signature of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, making him a Founding Father).

Illegal aliens who committed violent will be deported per provisions in the Act.  The Alien Enemies Act and its subsequent revisions was used by Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt to intern American citizens with a Japanese heritage, born in the USA, at the start of World War Two.  It was challenged in the Supreme Court and upheld as constitutional. 

 Hence when President Trump’s “Operation Aurora” is challenged, the Supreme Court is expected to uphold it as legal based on past challenges.

President Trump Operation Aurora Alien Enemies Act 1798

 Part of the Alien Enemies Act 1798 read in this video:

“ That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States at any time during the continuance of this act, to order all such aliens as he shall judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States, or shall have reasonable grounds to suspect are concerned in any treasonable or secret machinations against the government thereof, to depart out of the territory of the United States,…”

 Complete Alien Enemies Act of 1798:

 NOTE:  Black ribbon on the United States flag is an expression of mourning for the death of the constitutional republic in the United States of America that happened on January 20th, 2021.     

 Link to Texas Daddy store:

 トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라


 propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, POTUS, Joe Biden, DNC, Democratic Party, Donald Trump, Trump, Kamala Harris, 2024 election, Republican Party, RNC,  Operation Aurora, Aurora Colorado, Aurora, Venezuelan gang, illegal migrants, illegal aliens, migrants, Alien Enemies Act, Alien Enemies Act 1798, Japanese internment, John Adams, Franklin Roosevelt, FDR,          

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

FEMA, where is the money?

FEMA, where is the money?

Hurricane Helene slammed into the USA, heavily impacting North Carolina and Tennessee.   America citizens in the affect areas are critical of FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency.  FEMA stated they ran out of money for disaster relief if another hurricane causes damage in the USA. 

FEMA has spent billions of dollars supporting illegal aliens with debit cards, hotel rooms, transportation, cell phone, etc.  FEMA claims the money spent on illegals did not come from the money for disasters.  OH YES IT DID!

FEMA’s mission statement:

 “FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters.”

Meaning all of FEMA’s money is to assist citizens impacted by a disaster.  Crossing the border illegally is not a disaster.   

Tax payer funds FEMA Illegal Immigrants

NOTE:  Black ribbon on the United States flag is an expression of mourning for the death of the constitutional republic in the United States of America that happened on January 20th, 2021.     

Link to Texas Daddy store:

トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라


propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, POTUS, Joe Biden, DNC, Democratic Party Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, Kamala Harris, 2024 election, FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Hurricane Helene, hurricane, Helene,   

Monday, October 7, 2024

October 7 massacre in Israel

October 7 massacre in Israel

October 7, 2023, Hamas savages attacked Israel.  The savages murdered over a thousand Israelis.  In addition, captured over one-hundred hostages, including American citizens.  Hamas savages are supported by their savage counterparts in Iran.  Iran the number one state sponsor of terrorism.

How did it all start?

1979 the leader of Iran was the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.  Iran was riddled with protest demanding the Shah abdicate and leave the country.  Democrat President Jimmy Carter sent an Air Force general to Iran.  The General told the Shah not to suppress the rioters, and he should leave Iran.  Knowing no support from the USA, the Shah left.

Filling his leadership was a savage in exile in France, the Ayatollah Khomeini.  Now the dictator of Iran, Khomeini demonstrated a twisted way of thanking President Carter.  Iranian thugs attacked the U.S. Embassy, and held 66 hostages for 444 days.  They released the hostages on January 20, 1981, the day President Ronald Reagan was inaugurated.  They knew not to anger President Reagan. 

The Israel Defense Force – IDF, has every right to neutralize every savage attacking their country.  As they say, “never again.”   

NOTE:  Black ribbon on the United States flag is an expression of mourning for the death of the constitutional republic in the United States of America that happened on January 20th, 2021.     

Link to Texas Daddy store:

トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라 노  ,  群馬、イスラエル、ハマス、パレスチナ人、シャニルク、未開人、文明人、  קטאר, עזה, איסמעיל הנייה, יחיא סינוואר


 propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Gaza, Israel, Hamas, Palestinian, Israel attacked, savages,  群馬、イスラエル、ハマス、パレスチナ人、シャニ・ルク、未開人、文明人、 Benjamin Netanyahu, Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, October 7, October 7 massacre, Joe Biden, American hostages, Hamas hostages, Ayatollah Khomeini, Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, never again,   

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

City of New York Democrat Mayor Eric Adams, offended the Harris/Biden regime

City of New York Democrat Mayor Eric Adams, offended the Harris/Biden regime

26 September 2024:  Erice Adams, Democrat mayor of the City of New York, indicted on Federal charges.  Charges filed by the Kamala Harris / Joe Biden Justice Department.

New York City has been burdened with a influx of illegal aliens.  Creating a financial burden on City.  Resulting in Mayor Adams to publicly criticize Joe Biden Kamala Harris for allow illegals to invade his city.  Thus Joe’s Department of Justice indicted the mayor. 

Some of the charges involved airline upgrades, without reporting them.  Assisted in getting a high-rise Fire Department approval to occupy.  In addition, accepted campaign donations from foreign sources.  The government claimed it al totaled to about one-hundred thousand dollars.  Huh?  So millions of dollars given to the Biden Crime Family, no problem.    

Hillary Clinton’s illegal server in her bathroom, overlooked.  The millions stolen from Haiti by the Clinton Crime Family, forget about it. 

Related articles:

Charges listed by the Harris / Biden Justice Department:

Eric Adamas indictment:

NOTE:  Black ribbon on the United States flag is an expression of mourning for the death of the constitutional republic in the United States of America that happened on January 20th, 2021.

Link to Texas Daddy store:

トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라


propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Eric L Adams, Eric Adams, New York City mayor, nyc mayor, indicted, Eric Admas indicted, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, illegal migrants, lawfare, Biden Crime Family, Clintons Haiti, Hillary Clinton private server,       

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Facebook goose-stepping marches on

Facebook goose-stepping marches on

Placed a meme on Facebook, featuring the following text:

“Cocaine was found at Biden’s house 

A dead body was found at Obama’s house

A male prostitute was found at Pelosi’s house

An Illegal server was found at Clinton’s house

So the FBI raided Trump’s house.”

Facebook then imposed over this meme:

False information.  The same information was checked in another post by independent fact-checkers.  See why.”

When click on “See why,” this is what appeared:

“False information.  Independent fact-checkers say this information has no basis in fact.  You can choose whether to see it………”

All on that meme is FACT.

Facebook censorship.

NOTE:  Black ribbon on the United States flag is an expression of mourning for the death of the constitutional republic in the United States of America that happened on January 20th, 2021.

Link to Texas Daddy store:

トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라


 propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Facebook, Facebook censorship, social media, social media censorship, social media, fascists, fascism, big tech, censorship, Facebook disclaimer, big tech censorship, meme, Trump meme, Trump, meta,

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Kamala Harris and tariffs, knowledgeable?