Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Save the dolphins protest in Tokyo, Japan

Save the Dolphins Protest in Tokyo, Japan 
Below are photographs of the protestors and those protesting the protestors.   Below the people with yellow circles around their heads denote those who are foreigners trying to interfere with Japanese internal affairs - agitators! 
Save the dolphins - foreign agitators

Save the dolphins - Foreign instigators 

Save the dolphin protest - Foreign operatives

Save the dolphins rally - Foreign extremist

Save the dolphins - Foreign imperialists
Save the Dolphins gang at the start of the protest - see foreign instigators
Save the dolphin foreigners protested by patriots

Save the dolphin protest being protested - ha ha ha
Save the dolphins protest being protested by patriots

Patriots protesting the protestors who are protesting to save  the dolphins in Taiji, Japan

Save the dolphin protestor

Save the dolphin protestors with desecrated Japanese flag
Save the dolphins foreign provocateur van

Save the dolphinagitators protested by patriots

Save the dolphin foreign protestors carrying a desecrated Japanese flag

Save the dolphin extremists being led by a foreign provocateur van

Save the dolphin operatives with a desecrated Japanese flag
Save the dolphin protest feeling the love

Video links:

Video clips and screen shots from:

Other videos of the same event:

Link to Texas Daddy store:

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