Thursday, October 16, 2014

The natives are restless in South Korea

The natives are restless in South Korea

Once again at the prompting of educators in South Korea I am the recipient of hateful messages and death threats from their students.  These messages are being sent through Facebook.  The impudence for this ignorance was a photograph I placed on Facebook (see below).  That photograph was removed around ten months ago. 

However for some reason unbeknownst to sane people South Korean educators have decided to resurrect this issue.

The lovely messages:
Death threat from South Koreans over the Comfort Women issue

Hateful message from South Korea over the Comfort Women issue

Hateful message from South Koreans over the Comfort Women issue

NOTE:  The above messages have been redacted as not to offend the sensibilities of civilized readers.

The so-called offending photograph of me sitting next to a statue in a public city park in Glendale, California:
Comfort Women statue (object on the right) Glendale, California
 Apparently expression of free speech in the United States is offensive to educators in South Korea.


Anonymous said...

Assuming you are the logical person you like to boast on about in your channel, what did you expect? That many of these "natives" you so call to welcome you in open arms after your fooling attempt degrade the statue and to fuel your fetish with cherry-picking pro-Japanese views? Be realistic. It's not that hard to figure out why these people are upset.

Anonymous said...

Haha, why is there an English speaker commenting on this troll's blog? I thought only Japanese people knew he exists