Friday, October 24, 2014

Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians need your help

Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians need your help

If you notice this new crop of Sea Shepherd Cove Coward Guardians are not repeat offenders from previous years.  The Japanese government has blocked entry of the previous cultists from this group.  As a result Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians are seeking additional cult members for their Taiji, Japan campaign.  See the link below to volunteer so you can document for the world the harvesting that takes place in Taiji, Japan and perhaps next year you too can be denied entry into Japan. 

In the photograph notice the scowl on their faces and their arms crossed in self-righteous indignation towards the people of Japan.  Join this group and you too can express your self-righteous indignation. 

Background:  During the Cove Guardian Taiji campaign of 2013 /2014 they were successful in getting U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy to Tweet a negative statement about the dolphin activity in Taiji.  Sea Shepherd and their drones throughout the world celebrated this Tweet.  They were jubilant in this so-called success of theirs.  Not so fast – because now the Japanese government became concerned.  The last thing the Japanese government wanted is a point of contention between Japan and the USA. 

As a result of Sea Shepherd’s joyous victory the clowns from last year's campaign mysteriously have not arrived in Taiji, Japan.  Wonder why?  How about getting the answer from last year’s team leader Melissa or her boss and superior Mr. Flea Face himself?   
Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians appeal for new members for Taiji, Japan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what your beef is with Sea Shepherd. But to answer your ignorant question, I'll tell you why team leader Melissa Yehgan isn't there: she was denied entry into Japan because of her affiliation with Sea Shepherd. That ought to help get the word out about what goes on in Taiji.

So you can go wallow now in your obnoxiousness.