Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Hey Cabin Boy, do not pack your bags

Hey Cabin Boy, do not pack your bags

Paul Watson, formally of Sea Shepherd, now with Captain Paul Watson Foundation, continues his dispute with back stabbing Cabin Boy (Peter Helmethead / Peter Hammarstedt).

There will be a World Ocean Summit and Expo in Lisbon, Portugal being held March 11th to March 13th, 2024.  One of the primary sponsors of this summit is The Nippon Foundation of Japan.  A scheduled speaker is Peter Hammarstedt (Cabin Boy).

Paul Watson spoke at this group in 2015.  The Nippon Foundation informed the World Ocean Summit not to have Watson back again, and since has not been invited.

Colonel Shun-san will notify the Nippon Foundation about Cabin Boy’s disgusting past behavior in harassing the Japanese whaling fleet.  Requesting the Foundation to ask the Summit to cancel Cabin Boy’s invitation to speak.  

Link to World Ocean Summit:


Urging all of Sea Shepherd and Captain Paul Watson Foundation, suckers, minions, emotional wrecks, and disposables, to continue donating to both organizations.  The hilarity they provide is priceless.

Paul Watson was thrown out of Sea Shepherd Global.  Subsequently he formed another organization: Captain Paul Watson Foundation. 

Links to donate money to these clowns.  For when they sail, they provide material for these videos.

Captain Paul Watson Foundation:


Link to Captain Paul Watson Foundation:


NOTE:  Black ribbon on the United States flag is an expression of mourning for the death of the constitutional republic in the United States of America that happened on January 20th, 2021.     

Additional informative Sea Shepherd videos:


Link to Texas Daddy store:


トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

 ー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라, Sea Shepherd, Paul Watson, propagandabuster, Texas daddy, Tony Marano, whaling, whaler, save the whales, whales, cult group, floating circus, Paul Watson, whale wars,  whale hunt, dolphin hunt, Japan whaling,  Captain Paul Watson Foundation, Watson Foundation, floating circus, whale wars, vlog, opinion, Sea Shepherd Global, Cabin Boy, Peter Hammarstedt, Sea Shepherd Global, Sea Shepherd Australia, World Ocean Summit,  

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