Tuesday, February 25, 2025

FOX News, The Five, and that Jessica Tarlov

FOX News, The Five, and that Jessica Tarlov

FOX News has a show on Monday through Friday at 5 PM Eastern Time.  It is called “The Five.”  It is on at five o’clock with five political commentators.  Four conservatives, the fifth a token liberal / leftist / Democrat.  Harold Ford Jr., a one-time Democrat politician appears at times.  He is a reasonable, likeable individual.  Which is rare for 21st century Democrat politicians.  However, too many times they have Jessica Tarlov in place of Harold Ford Jr.   

If you search “The Five” or “Fox News” on either X or Facebook, a slew of comments are critical of Jessica Tarlov.  Many state when she is on The Five, they turn to another channel.  So, does Fox News have a love affair with her?

Perhaps to annoy their viewers and / or to make the other four look good.  A recent show the discussion was Elon Musk emails to Federal employees.  Asking the Federal employees to reply with what items they accomplished and / or worked on the previous week.

Per Jessica Tarlov a Federal judge who received the email, could impact the judge’s behavior in the courtroom.  Civics Lesson time:

The United States government is divided into three equal branches.  The Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary.  Elon Musk is part of the Executive (President).  Thus his email went out to members of the Executive.  Since Federal judges are part of the Judiciary, they did not receive the email from Elon Musk.  His email had or has zero impact upon any Federal judge in the courtroom.          

Link to Texas Daddy store:


トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, Republican Party, RNC, Donald Trump, President Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, leftist, alt-left, wokeness, political correctness, diversity, equity, inclusion,  D.E.I., DEI, Fox News, The Five, Jessica Tarlov, Harold Ford Jr, first buddy, Elon Musk, Doge, Civics, Civics lesson, federal judges,    

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Leftist lies continue

Leftist lies continue

Leftists in Europe and America see Western Civilization as evil and needs to be replaced.  Most of these adherents are Caucasian leftist women.  Not all Caucasian women are leftists; however, many leftists are Caucasian women. 

CBS Margaret Brennan interviewed Secreatary of State Marco Rubio.  Speaking in reference to Vice President JD Vance recent speech in Munich, Germany.  She claimed free speech in Nazi Germany was the cause for Hitler’s Holocaust against the Jews.  Of course, Secretary Rubio correct her distortion of history.  Mrs. Brennan is well educated, so her ignorance of free speech in Nazi Germany was not out of stupidity.  It was because she being a member of the alt-left find free speech as a hindrance to their goal of destroying Western Civilization.  Thus, to reduce or eliminate free speech, associate it with evil.  Evil such as Adolph Hitler and Nazis.     

Free Speech in Nazi Germany

CBS 60 Minutes Leslie Stahl.  During her interview with President Trump, he noted his campaign was spied upon.  Mrs. Stahl then attempted to admonish President Trump by hallucinating there was no such evidence.  However, there are mountains of evidence of the spying from various sources. 

Then there are the poverty pimps, race baiters.  Notably disgraced Al Sharpton.  Sharpton appeared on MSNBC.  While there he claimed, “….one day our children’s children will read American history.  And can you imagine our reading James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government…..”

Hey Al, that is exactly what they did as Founding Fathers of the United States of America. 

Vice President J.D. Vance Munich, Germany speech:


Link to Texas Daddy store:


トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, presidential election, president elections, Republican Party, RNC, vote, election, election 2024, Donald Trump, 2024 election, Trump won, President Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, leftist, alt-left, wokeness, political correctness, diversity, equity, inclusion,  D.E.I., DEI, CBS, Caucasian, Margaret Brennon, Marco Rubio, JD Vance, J. D. Vance, Vice President, Munich speech, Leslie Stahl, 60 Minutes, Al Sharpton, MSNBC,       

Friday, February 14, 2025

Democrat corruption exposed

President Trump appointed First Buddy Elon Musk, to audit various Executive level departments / agencies.  This cause the Democrats to scream like the stuffed pigs that they are.  Elon Musk and his team has exposed billions of dollars in fraud, waist, and corruption.  In other words, the money trough exploited by the Democratic Party politicians.  

Elon Musk and President Trump

Corrupt Democrats and their lackeys singing “Which side are you on.”


The 1930’s original “Which side are you on.”


Related article:



Democratic Party

Thank you, President Trump, for ending the four-year nightmare of Joe Biden and that Kamala Harris

 トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, campaign, campaigning, presidential election, president elections, Republican Party, RNC, vote, election, election 2024, Donald Trump, too big to rig, 2024 election, Trump won, President Trump, Trump, which side are you on, doge, Elon Musk, corruption,  

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Worcester a Transgender Sanctuary clown city

Worcester a Transgender Sanctuary clown city

Worcester, Massachusetts, a Democratic Party run city and state.  Examples:

Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren, “Pocahontas” voted in office.

Democrat departed Ted Kennedy, abandoned Mary Jo Kopechne to drown in Chappaquiddick  

February 11, 2025, City of Worcester City Council meeting:  Meeting started with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the singing of the national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner.

On the agenda to designate the city as a transgender sanctuary clown city.  Various clowns spoke at the meeting, riddled with emotion, and void of truth.  It was approved by the Council.     

 Related articles:



 Thank you, President Trump, for ending the four-year nightmare of Joe Biden and that Kamala Harris

 トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

 propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, campaign, campaigning, presidential election, president elections, Republican Party, RNC, vote, election, election 2024, Donald Trump, too big to rig, 2024 election, Trump won, President Trump, Trump, Worcester, Worcester transgender sanctuary city, transgender sanctuary city, trans, transgender, sanctuary city,

Friday, February 7, 2025

Watson a Parisian citizen and no Mrs.

Watson a Parisian citizen and no Mrs.

Paul Watson of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation (formerly of Sea Shepherd) is stuck in France.  Recently the mayor of Paris presented Watson with an honorary citizenship of Paris.  With Waston was his clingy lady friend.  His wife could not be located in any of the photographs and video.  However, his clingy female companion was noticeably there with him.   

Paul Watson, a Parisian citizen

Links to donate money to these clowns.  For when they sail, they provide material for these videos.

Captain Paul Watson Foundation:


Link to Captain Paul Watson Foundation:


Additional informative Sea Shepherd / Paul Watson videos:


Link to Texas Daddy store:


トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

 トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라, Sea Shepherd, Paul Watson, propagandabuster, Texas daddy, Tony Marano, whaling, whaler, save the whales, whales, Paul Watson, whale wars,  whale hunt, Captain Paul Watson Foundation,  vlog, opinion, John Paul DeJoria, Faroe Islands, Faroese Grindadrap, Grindadrap, M/Y John Paul Dejoria, Grind, the Grind, GrindStop, anti-whaling, Fårö Fair Isle, Føroyar, Faroese, Færøerne, fɛəroʊ, Føroyar, fœɹjaɹ, Færøerne, fæɐ̯ø ɐnə, Nuuk Greenland, Nuuk, Greenland, Paul Watson arrested, Interpol, Interpol red notice, red notice, Paul Watson extradition, Watson released, clingy, paramour, Yana, Watson Paris citizen,         

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Protesting illegal aliens

Protesting illegal aliens

In the USA, illegal aliens are protesting ICE deportations in some major cities.  Here is how the illegals are protesting:

They burn the USA flag, the nation they demand to stay in.  While waving the Mexican flag, the nation they do not want to be deported to. 

 Waiving a foreign flag while protesting the USA, in the USA, is unacceptable.  It only causes more to side with the deportations.   

Illegal aliens waving foreign flags protesting the USA

 Thank you, President Trump, for ending the four-year nightmare of Joe Biden and that Kamala Harris

トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, campaign, campaigning, presidential election, president elections, Republican Party, RNC, vote, election, election 2024, Donald Trump, too big to rig, 2024 election, Trump won, President Trump, Trump, ICE, deportation, illegal alien, illegal migrant, migrants,  

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Gaza strip and President Trump

Gaza strip and President Trump

President Trump on February 4, 2025, at a press conference announced his plan for the Gaza Strip and the Palestinians.  He stated the United States will take over Gaza and rebuild it.   CALM DOWN!

He will not do that; it was a chess move on his part.  An analysis:  His said that to cause the Arab nations in the Middle East to take on the responsibility of rebuilding Gaza.  He announcement will cause the surrounding nations to say no need for the USA in Gaza, they will rebuild Gaza. 

A remote possibility if President Trump was serious, it will never pass in both chambers of Congress and both political parties.   


Thank you, President Trump, for ending the four-year nightmare of Joe Biden and that Kamala Harris

 トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, campaign, campaigning, presidential election, president elections, Republican Party, RNC, vote, election, election 2024, Donald Trump, too big to rig, 2024 election, Trump won, President Trump, Trump, Gaza, Gaza strip, chess move, Arab world, Palestinians, Palestine,

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

A simple explanation to President Trump’s tariffs

A simple explanation to 

President Trump’s tariffs

Do not allow Democrats and they hysterical news media to scare you about President Trump tariffs.

A tariff was place on goods from China, Mexico, and Canada.  As of this writing / video, a thirty day pause on Mexican and Canadian tariffs.

Simple explanation on tariffs.  This is just an example to illustrate how many tariffs work:

Canada sells hammers in the USA at $10.00 each.  Trump places a $2.00 tariff on the hammers.  Raising the cost of the hammer to $12.00.  Nope, not happening.  Because the Canadians will export the hammers to the USA at $8.00 each.  Trump’s $2.00 tariff brings the cost to $10.00.  The same as before the tariff.  The Canadians get to sell their hammers in the USA.  The USA government gets $2.00, and the American consumer sees no increase in the price of the hammer. 

Not all explanations have to be complicated.

Thank you, President Trump, for ending the four-year nightmare of Joe Biden and that Kamala Harris

トニー・マラーノ テキサスパパ 토니 마라

propagandabuster, Texas Daddy, Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,  トニー・マラーノ, テキサスパパ, 토니 마라 , Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, campaign, campaigning, presidential election, president elections, Republican Party, RNC, vote, election, election 2024, Donald Trump, too big to rig, 2024 election, Trump won, Canada, President Trump, Trump, tariff, tariff war, Mexico tariffs, China tariffs, Canada tariffs,