This blog is an attempt to expose the propaganda masquerading as political correctness which is epidemic in the news media. A news media which is following the model established by fascist, communist, and dictatorial regimes. Plus a few fun videos mixed in with some product reviews.
Also, exposing the hypocrisy of cult groups such as She Shepherd and their type .
New York Roman Catholic Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan: In a recent video His Eminence attempts to
place the Muslima holiday of Ramadan along with Ash Wednesday. WRONG.
Ramadan celebrates the Koran handed down supposedly from God. While Ash Wednesday starts the season of
Lent, cumulating of Jesus Christ rising from the dead. Okay of enjoy both holidays separately, have
no place on the same field.
Ash Wednesday
The Catholic Bishops in the United States this century have
demonstrated collectively hypocrisy beyond comprehension. During a Bishop’s conference (United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops – USCCB) - US in Washington, DC. The Bishops
invited Roman Catholic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (from San Francisco) to
address the group. Remember, heretic
Pelosi is a major supporter of abortion at any time during a pregnancy. This is counter to major Catholic
teaching. Yet this body of Bishops
applauded heretic Pelosi.
Years later the Catholic Bishops at another conference in
Washington, DC invited another heretic Roman Catholic, then Secretary of Health
and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and she too received approving
applause. Ms. Sebelius is the one who
pushed for Catholic institutions to be required to pay for abortions and
provide birth control pills. Her
department sued the Little Sisters of the Poor over this issue. Both
of which run counter to Catholic teachings.
Joe Biden, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and Kathleen Sebelius,
all self-proclaimed Roman Catholics and fervent supporters of abortion from
conception up to if not after birth. Yet
not once has the august United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
suggested the possibility of excommunicating or withholding any of the
sacraments to these pro-death supporters of abortion.
Ukraine President Volodymyr
Zelensky met with President Donald Trump on February 28, 2025 in the Oval Office of The White House. The purpose was to sign an agreement
permitting the USA to mine Rare Earth minerals from Ukraine.
However, about forty minutes into
the televised meeting, it turned sour, confrontational. Prior to the meeting turning sour President
Trump referenced Rare Earths minerals.
He did not say “Rare” earths. Instead,
he kept saying “raw” earth. Raw
earth? Huh?
Zelensky Trump
Remember all his adult life,
President Trump has been a builder, in construction, and real estate. “Raw” earth material has been used in
construction for years. As a builder raw
earth would be part of his lexicon as opposed to rare earth.
Thank you, President Trump, for
ending the four-year nightmare of Joe Biden and that Kamala Harris
propagandabuster, Texas Daddy,
Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,トニー・マラーノ,
Tony Marano, presidential election, president elections, Republican Party, RNC,
vote, election, election 2024, Donald Trump, 2024 election, Trump won, President
Trump, President Donald Trump, Rare earth, raw earth, Zelensky, Zelenskyy, Volodymyr
Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Volodymyr
Zelensky, rare earth elements, rare earths, Trump Zelensky, Trump
Zelenskyy, Ukraine, Ukraine Russia, Ukraine war, The White House, Oval Office,
JD Vance,
FOX News has a show on Monday
through Friday at 5 PM Eastern Time. It
is called “The Five.” It is on at five o’clock
with five political commentators. Four conservatives,
the fifth a token liberal / leftist / Democrat.
Harold Ford Jr., a one-time Democrat politician appears at times. He is a reasonable, likeable individual. Which is rare for 21st century
Democrat politicians. However, too many
times they have Jessica Tarlov in place of Harold Ford Jr.
If you search “The Five” or “Fox
News” on either X or Facebook, a slew of comments are critical of Jessica
Tarlov. Many state when she is on The
Five, they turn to another channel. So,
does Fox News have a love affair with her?
Perhaps to annoy their viewers and
/ or to make the other four look good. A
recent show the discussion was Elon Musk emails to Federal employees. Asking the Federal employees to reply with
what items they accomplished and / or worked on the previous week.
Per Jessica Tarlov a Federal judge
who received the email, could impact the judge’s behavior in the
courtroom. Civics Lesson time:
The United States government is
divided into three equal branches. The
Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary.
Elon Musk is part of the Executive (President). Thus his email went out to members of the
Executive. Since Federal judges are part
of the Judiciary, they did not receive the email from Elon Musk. His email had or has zero impact upon any
Federal judge in the courtroom.
Leftists in Europe and America see
Western Civilization as evil and needs to be replaced. Most of these adherents are Caucasian leftist
women. Not all Caucasian women are leftists;
however, many leftists are Caucasian women.
CBS Margaret Brennan interviewed
Secreatary of State Marco Rubio. Speaking
in reference to Vice President JD Vance recent speech in Munich, Germany. She claimed free speech in Nazi Germany was
the cause for Hitler’s Holocaust against the Jews. Of course, Secretary Rubio correct her
distortion of history. Mrs. Brennan is
well educated, so her ignorance of free speech in Nazi Germany was not out of
stupidity. It was because she being a
member of the alt-left find free speech as a hindrance to their goal of
destroying Western Civilization. Thus,
to reduce or eliminate free speech, associate it with evil. Evil such as Adolph Hitler and Nazis.
Free Speech in Nazi Germany
CBS 60 Minutes Leslie Stahl. During her interview with President Trump, he
noted his campaign was spied upon. Mrs.
Stahl then attempted to admonish President Trump by hallucinating there was no
such evidence. However, there are
mountains of evidence of the spying from various sources.
Then there are the poverty pimps,
race baiters. Notably disgraced Al
Sharpton. Sharpton appeared on
MSNBC. While there he claimed, “….one
day our children’s children will read American history. And can you imagine our reading James Madison
or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government…..”
Hey Al, that is exactly what they
did as Founding Fathers of the United States of America.
propagandabuster, Texas Daddy,
Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion, トニー・マラーノ,
Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, presidential election,
president elections, Republican Party, RNC, vote, election, election 2024, Donald
Trump, 2024 election, Trump won, President Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, leftist,
alt-left, wokeness, political correctness, diversity, equity, inclusion, D.E.I., DEI, CBS, Caucasian, Margaret
Brennon, Marco Rubio, JD Vance, J. D. Vance, Vice President, Munich speech, Leslie
Stahl, 60 Minutes, Al Sharpton, MSNBC,
Friday, February 14, 2025
Democrat corruption exposed
President Trump appointed First
Buddy Elon Musk, to audit various Executive level departments / agencies. This cause the Democrats to scream like the
stuffed pigs that they are. Elon Musk
and his team has exposed billions of dollars in fraud, waist, and
corruption. In other words, the money
trough exploited by the Democratic Party politicians.
Elon Musk and President Trump
Corrupt Democrats and their
lackeys singing “Which side are you on.”
Thank you, President Trump, for
ending the four-year nightmare of Joe Biden and that Kamala Harris
propagandabuster, Texas Daddy,
Tony, vlog, analysis, opinion,トニー・マラーノ,
Tony Marano, Democratic Party, DNC, Democratic Party, campaign, campaigning,
presidential election, president elections, Republican Party, RNC, vote,
election, election 2024, Donald Trump, too big to rig, 2024 election, Trump won,
President Trump, Trump, which side are you on, doge, Elon Musk, corruption,
Worcester, Massachusetts, a
Democratic Party run city and state.
Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren,
“Pocahontas” voted in office.
Democrat departed Ted Kennedy, abandoned
Mary Jo Kopechne to drown in Chappaquiddick
February 11, 2025, City of
Worcester City Council meeting: Meeting
started with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the singing of the
national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner.
On the agenda to designate the city as a
transgender sanctuary clown city. Various
clowns spoke at the meeting, riddled with emotion, and void of truth. It was approved by the Council.